Consumers For Sustainability

Collective voices of individuals have tremendous potential to create impactful and progressive changes in our society. With a growing focus on sustainable economies around the globe, our individual choices lay the groundwork for creating ecosystems for ethical consumption in our country.

Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.

Mindful Choices. Better Tomorrow.

At Consumer for Sustainability, we believe in the power of collective action to shape a better India. In this pursuit, we strive to strike a balance between progress and preservation, focusing on an individual-centric approach driving conscious action for optimal well-being and a sustainable future.

The Harmony Matrix

Our Holistic Approach

Embodying Conscious Choices & Actions

We stand as advocates for ethical consumption practices that drive conscious action. We insist on transparency throughout the supply chain, from sourcing and manufacturing to marketing and consumption.

Building Sustainable Ecosystems & Economies

We actively work towards researching, analysing, promoting and supporting initiatives that minimise the environmental impact of our everyday choices, fostering sustainable economies for the future.

Achieving Optimal Physical & Mental Well-Being

We aim to champion initiatives that contribute to beneficial health and nutrition outcomes, promoting holistic and efficacious impact for all beings through constructive consumption practices.

Enabling Resilient Present & Future

As a consumer collective, we are resolute in our mission to protect individual interests. Achieving this vision requires us to come together and create a conscious, sustainable and resilient present as well as future.

From Awareness to Action

With the broader vision of enabling sustainable economies, our objectives are classified into four core competencies.

Research & Development​

Outreach & Communication​​

Policy & Representation​

Strategy & Innovation​

Spectrum of Crafted Clarity

Working under the umbrella of research, communications, representation and innovation, a holistic approach is at the core of achieving our vision.

  • Educate the Indian Public about Ethical Consumption Practices
  • Empower Individuals to Exercise their Rights as Consumers
  • Demand Honest & Transparent Systems from Brand Narratives
  • Promote Eco-Conscious, Cruelty-Free & Plant-Based Initiatives
  • Create a Collective of Individuals to Demand a Sustainable Future
  • Collaborate with Educational Institutions to Raise Youth Awareness
  • Partner & Bring Support from Organisations & Businesses
  • Leverage the Global SDGs to Advance Plant-Based Economies in India
  • Develop Research & Development Strategies for India-Specific Data

Milestone Spotlight

Our Showcase Coming Soon!